Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inside Outside Upside Down!

Good morning all! It's been another week and we are still here living the dream! We didn't do much this week or go anywhere this weekend. Sometimes you just need a weekend of nothing to decompress.  It's getting hotter everyday so outside time has been dratically reduced but we did go to the beach Friday. We didn't bring the umbrella or the chairs; just the mats and a towel because we knew we wouldn't last very long. We could only sit for a few minutes before seeking refuge from the relentless heat in the water. The water is warm and not very refreshing but it is better than melting into the sand. The water is very shallow so you have to wade quite a ways out before you are shoulder deep. The good part of that is that you can sit or lay out in the shallows and relax in the gentle waves. We normally have been staying for about 2 hours; Friday we lasted an hour and we were done. Thankfully we live across the street so we don't have to load beach gear into the car and drive. We had also enjoyed dining outside and people watching- forget it! The tourist season is over so there are not nearly as many people as even just a week ago. And, again, the heat and humidity drives everyone indoors.  We have barely gotten into June and it is pretty oppresive- I can't imagine what July and August will be like.

A few oddities I don't know if I have mentioned-

The light switches are opposite- up is off / down is on. I'm still getting used to it but I don't turn "off" the light as often when I enter a room.

My kitchen faucet is single handled- the one in Bama is single handled as well. No big deal, right? Wrong- so wrong! In Bama up & down controls the water flow and left & right controls the temperature. Here up & down contols the temperature and left & right controls the water flow. I can't tell you how many times I have nearly scalded myself and been "baptised"!

In Bama, more often than not, you pull the door to enter a building and push to exit. Yup- just the opposite here. I have been nearly knocked unconscience and left my face print on more than one door much to the amusement of Jimmy and people nearby. Not so much anymore but when we first got here I was a walking calamity!

In Bama the television program times are accurate and the program scheduled is what you will see. We were going to watch Batman Begins last night. Per the guide it was to begin at 7 pm. It started a 6:40- twenty minutes early. Occasionally the program on the channel is not the program scheduled per the guide.  It's not always that far off but enough that you have to be aware if there is a particular show you want to watch.

The days of the week are different here. The names are the same but the what you do has been changed. Thursday is Friday. Friday is the Holy day so it is Sunday. Saturday is Saturday but Sunday is Monday. Clear as mud?!

Anyone who knows me knows I am a goofball. That coupled with the fact that I am also a bit of a clutz has made the differences here a challenge for me. I'm not stupid; my brain is just wired a little differently than most "normal" people. Sometimes I'm so deep in the forest I don't see a single tree. The advantage is that I see and notice things that others may miss. I process my environment and experiences in my own unique way. I am hopelessly hopeful and ever optimistic. I believe there is goodness in every heart and always look for the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark and long it may be. I wouldn't trade that for "normal" even if I could.

My sweet Tara Belle is leaving for Panama on Sunday to continue her education overseas. She is traveling with some fellow college students to a town there to study the water system and supply. We are so proud of her but she is still my little Princess and I worry. Sometimes being a mom can be so damn hard!

And a shout out to my newest follower in PA! So glad to see you are checking in on us. Send an email one day so we can keep up with you!

Much love to all. I miss you so very much- M&J


  1. Hey mom!
    Im actually working on sugar production of a 100 year old sugar plantation here in Panama. Were looking at how climate change affects production and using weather predictions to come up with a solution and help them make decisions in the coming years. well its much more than that but its a lot to type. Miss and love you! touring the Panama Canal today!

  2. Still enjoying every moment of your posts. I love reading about your adventures. AND for some reasons I understand your forest, lol!!! Sending my love!

  3. You pull the door to exit a building? I don't like the sound of that. They must have heard of the Collinwood School fire and the Iroquois Theatre fire.
