Monday, May 9, 2011

The Downside of Paradise/ Ashley's Bday!

I moved to Dubai not knowing a soul who lives here. As we were going through the process of finding a place to live and getting settled in, Jimmy and I had no one to rely on but each other. Jimmy goes to work every day but I won't be working for about another month. I get up with him every morning and make his breakfast and send him off on his day with a kiss. As a side note I have learned to make biscuits! You can't buy canned biscuits here and Jimmy loves biscuits so I made a concerted effort to master the skill of biscuit making. There is nothing you can't learn on YouTube! I make some damn fine buscuits if I don't say so myself! Next- gravy!! But I digress; after Jimmy leaves I have the whole day in front of me to occupy. I have a very clean apartment and the dishes and laundry stay clean and caught up. I go for a walk every morning first thing for exercise- I've lost several pounds so far. And, of course, I blog.

But because we live in a resort area we are mostly surrounded by tourists. Great for people watching while having dinner and seeing so many cultures represented but not so good for making friends. While I am certain there are other full time residents on The Walk, ferreting them out has been a challenge. I haven't seen the same faces on a regular basis anywhere- the beach, the pool or just out and about. That makes for some pretty lonely days. All the people I see are on vacation making it nearly impossible to get to know anyone much less have time to develop any friendships. The people who work on The Walk, while all very friendly, live elsewhere.

So I do the best I can to stay busy and I go out every day hoping that one day I will meet someone, maybe a couple like us, and I won't be so lonely anymore. So everyone out there in the blogasphere reading this- take time to appreciate your friends and the good times you share.

A very special shout out to my first born, my Baby, Ashley. Today is her birthday. I know she will celebrate with  her many friends. I wish so much I could be there, Baby. I miss you terribly and love you so very much. B careful, b safe!  I love you, mom.

1 comment:

  1. aw that sucks mom. once you start working I'm sure you'll meet plenty of people. How is Jimmy liking his job anyways? And a whole other month before you start working? I would be going nuts! you could also learn how to knit, or take a lot of time to read. Thats what I would do with a lot of time!
