Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hello all! Today is just a random day with no specific goals or plans. I noticed that I haven't posted any pics recently so today you get random thoughts with visual aids! So here is exactly that- totally random thoughts-

This is pic of the new balcony furniture. The original set we had was too large for the area and left very little room. This set is much better suited for our balcony.

This is the original balcony furniture. It is made of teak wood and is very nice (and not so cheap!). We added a few cushions and moved it in front of the triple windows in the living area and made it our computer table; you can see our "dueling laptops". Now instead of being at the kitchen table staring at the walls we can look out at the Arabian Gulf beaches and The Walk. Much better! And we have reclaimed the dining table for its intended purpose. 

We have two clocks. The left clock is the time in Hsv., Ala. and the right is Dubai time. Saves me from having to do math every time I want to know what time it is at either location! (My camera settings are fine- the dining walls really are lime green.)

Speaking of doing math- we finally bought a scale. It took a while because we looked everywhere for a scale that weighs in pounds. Nope- not in Dubai; its kilo's. We found plenty that weigh in stones (english weight) but we didn't need to know our stoned weight! So we finally bought one in kilo's and I have to do math to figure out my weight in pounds. No big deal really because everything here is in metric and it helps with my learning process. Metric really is much better- I wish the American schools would emphasize it more.

More math! We have digital alarm clocks in the bedroom. All the digital clocks reflect militay time. That is the norm here. Not having a military background it is not automatic for me to see 13:10 and know it is 1:10 pm. So after 1 pm I have to mentally subtract 12 hours to know the time I am familiar with. Again, not a bad thing- it actually makes more sense- it's just another small adjustment I have had to make.

My "piddle place". The bathroom has one power outlet and it is for shavors only. For most guys this is probably no big deal but for most girls it nothing short of barbaric! So my wonderful Jimmy bought me this table, a comfy desk chair on casters so it rolls on the tile floor, hung a mirror and provided a power strip with more power outlets than I've ever had before. Now I don't have to hang over the bathroom sink with all of my girl stuff crowded around the counter. I have plenty of space and I can sit while I apply my cosmetics and fix my hair and piddle to my hearts content! Thanks, sweetie!

I know this is blurry but it is a pic from the computer screen of the weather today. It is about 10 am and it is 88 degrees (fahrenheit- this is one time I don't have to calculate from metric!). The high today is only going to be 104- yesterday was 110. It's starting to get a little warm out there! We have a saying in Bama that it's not the heat- its the humidity. You wouldn't expect it to be humid in the desert, but living on the gulf, I assure you -it is humid! It still doesn't seem as oppressive as the 100 degree weather we get in Bama sometimes - but it is hot. The temp by June will hover around 120 and July/August around 130.

Ok, so I'm a little bitchy sometimes. This person just irks the crap out of me! This car is always parked illegally in the garage right next to the elevators. While it isn't blocking the cars that are parked legally they still have to go back and forth at least twice to avoid hitting it. As if that isn't bad enough that big red box you see on the left- it's fire equipment. If, God forbid, a fire were to occur this jerk would be blocking the hoses and water supply. I have noticed at least 3-4 parking violation notices have been put on the windshield but Mr. Special just throws them on the ground and drives off and returns to the exact same spot when he gets back. Every resident gets an assigned parking spot and can rent an additional spot if desired. So either this bozo doesn't belong here, the designated spot is not to his liking or he doesn't want to pay for an extra spot. Either way I don't care- he is just an inconsiderate ass. It doesn't affect me, he's not in our way, but the fire hazard effects all the residents. Like I said-I'm a little bitchy sometimes.

This is a product line of body washes, shampoos, etc. sold in the pharmacy down the street. I know it is juvenile but I can't help but giggle everytime I see it!

So that is my random day and pointless thoughts and rants. Otherwise its just laundry and chores (I love clean sheet day!). Some things never change no matter where you live. A special shout out to my Pennsylvania friends, Dave (my fave LeadHead!), Crystal, Kandis and Wayne. I hope ya'll are doing well- I think of you often. Dave- you would be proud-my biscuits are pretty damn good and my gravy is now better than wallpaper paste.  A girl from Alabama had to move to Dubai to learn to make biscuits and gravy- go figure! I haven't heard from ya'll in awhile so step it up and keep in touch. My family and friends in Bamaland-I miss you very, very much. Peace, love and happiness to all- J&M


  1. Loveeeee this post! You did great in showing things!!! Would never have thought of the clocks being different and the scales. I know you laughed a little when you wrote, "stoned weight" bahahah i laughed. We miss you very much and need to skype tonight so you can see the tiny tiny newest baby puppy! Oni goes to the spa on wednesday, thought u should know! We love you!

  2. haha, yeah that car would piss me off too! and your computer station is much better, so jealous! we still have a great view of the neighbors across the street, who just had a baby girl! they named her mackenzie. haha you get to learn the metric system!! yayyY!!!! great post, learned a lot. Im gearing up for my calculus final, hopefully i will pass it the first time, wont that be cool! And i can't wait to eat biscuit and gravy, they better live up to my high biscuit standards when you get home! love and miss you vry much!!!

  3. Thank you very much for my birthday present and card! i got it in the mail a few days ago. when we comin to see ya?
