Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One Step Forward- Three Steps Back!

It is Tuesday morning and we are finally moving into our apartment. It has been a very frustrating process. The leasing agency requires so much documentation which is sometimes very difficult to acquire. We have been delayed for two days getting power because a letter from Jimmys company had to be provided and we gave it to them they wanted a specific sentence added.  So we are moving in with no water or electricity- just a wing and a prayer that the new letter will be accepted and sometime later today the power will come on. There was less paperwork, took less time and less signing of documents than when I bought RisonShine. Also, we could not get cable and Internet scheduled until we had a signed contract (lease) so today we hope to get that going. It takes 4-5 buisinessd days and Friday is Sunday here so if we get there this afternoon we may get hooked up Sunday. No Internet, no blooging :(! I'll get back on line if I get a chance but for now it doesn't look very promising. So take care all- I love and miss you very much. J&M

1 comment:

  1. Im ready to come visit!!!!! Will my ipad2 work???? :)
